Hey ladels and jellyspoons, to quote a great man.
bored again, and it's 1.30, so i thought i'd pop on and tell you what a lazy ass i've been today :P
Woke up at about 9 to mum telling me to get the phone. It was Josh asking if i wanted to go over to his to watch some films, but alas i couldn't. Dad wasn't out of bed, and i couldn't do anything without his say so. So i said no, and went back to bed.
Got up again at about 12 and went on the xbox. L and B were on so played a bit of ODST with them and K before L had to go for dancing and i decided to stay on and get some stuff on call of duty. I stayed in my room for MOST of the day before going downstairs every now and then to talk to people, get nourishment (i feel like i put on 50lb today) and get out of the room. I've started developing this weird obsession with opening my window and shutting the curtains. I dont know WHY i do it, but it's incredibly annoying XD
Watched the football for most of the day while playing. United won, west ham nearly let a 5 goal lead slip and hull drew with man city. Overall a good day on the football front as tottenham and villa also drew.
I'm starting to wonder what life has come to as im now contemplating going back on the xbox out of an inability to sleep and sheer boredom. My sister is still up in here room and dad is downstairs on his PC...i think something needs to change.
Tomorrow should be good though, J, H and P are going to come over to watch the Kettering vs Leeds game, and i dont think they know that we will be accompanied by my sister who is 'dying' to watch kettering play. She's been my pet project since i got into football. She kept saying she would never do anything i ask her to. For example, she'd never play on the xbox. She's now an xbox addict. She'd never play call of duty. She's an addict. She'd never watch a football match, she's now starting to watch them with me on a regular basis. The next thing is to get her to play fifa, though i feel that will take a while.
I don't say it enough to her, but i really am proud of her, what she's become and everything. She's doing really well at school, seems to have her life sorted out at the moment, and i know i never say it directly to her, but i really am happy to have her as a sister.
And that's me done, i think i'll try and get some shut eye before dad comes up and moans at me for still being up XD
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
Hey y'all, just thought i'd pop on and say hiiiiiii
I've decided that instead of coming on once every week or so and writing a big post, i'll write small, regular ones instead. And instead of there having to be a big issue, i'll just write about my day...should hopefully keep me busy-ish.
Well i'll start with yesterday, as it just generally seems like a good starting point. Yesterday was just like every other wednesday. The sense of excitement of realising that i have a free, german, physics then football, possibly the best combination of lessons EVER, followed by the "unnnhhh tiiiired". This feeling carried with me through the day, but as it became time for football, it dissipated and i was left with a sense of anything could happen.
It was a regular session, do some warm ups, practice some shiz, have a match, except for some reason, it was a lot rougher than usual; kept getting my ankles taken out. Came out of training with a bruised ankle and many pulled muscles in my upper body. I've found that using this Radox muscle therapy bubble bath stuff really does help. With it, it'll take about two days after a session for me to feel better, without...about 5?
I know it sounds whiney, but i've been in pain with it all day today aswell, to the point where its extremely painful just to lift myself off the ground. Speaking of weight, lost another 3lb this week, making my total somewhere around the 25lb mark. Yay me :)
Was absolutely shattered last night, so decided to finish off my chemistry homework (the first time i've done homework actually at home all year) and went to bed at 7. Considering i usually go to bed at about 2, this is a BIG shock for my body, and i end up not sleeping at all. In fact, i should be going to bed now, but i'll finish up here first. Got out of bed feeling kind of maybe ok, had some lucozade tablets and felt fresh and ready to go.
Most of the day was the usual stuff, though i think my german teacher now thinks im a cheater. We had some homework in which i got 100% and the whole class was told to redo it. I then got about 45%. Simple reason i found was that i didnt have my table of propositions in front of me that time, ergo i was using the wrong ones and therefore the wrong case. I felt really bad...i'll have to talk to him about it.
Kept getting harrassed this afternoon by people asking me who i...fancy...i hate using that word in that context. I feel so...childish. But all i will say is this: I DO have my eye on someone, but don't bother asking me about it. I don't want to say anything in case it's just a passing thing...if it does sort of...develop, then by all means, i'll tell you if you ask. But until then, :-#
Backtracking slightly, went to a mates house the other day for his birthday party. Not that many people turned up, but it was a right laugh and SOME people had way too much to drink. Much throwing up was done, ironically none by me. Spent the rest of the night in the living room with L, B and H just chatting away and eating McCoys.
I also today got an ugly reminder that my dad monitors EVERYTHING i do on my PC. This may sound weird, but i dont know how much he actually monitors, or for that matter cares. But i dont want to push it y'know? I know that he occasionally does because he's seen screenshots and pulled me up on them before, and when i use bad language (hence i NEVER swear on the computer and possibly why i swear like a marine in real life...im very sorry to any of my friends that may find it offensive). But I take solace from knowing that i AM helping him with his product, being a guinea pig. Someone has to do it, i just wish it wasn't me.
Right, i think that's about enough for tonight. I'll try (i've said that a gazillion times i know, but shaddap) and post tomorrow. If someone goes on MSN after seein this and sees me, PLEASE remind me to do so.
Muchas gracias and ciao for now!
I've decided that instead of coming on once every week or so and writing a big post, i'll write small, regular ones instead. And instead of there having to be a big issue, i'll just write about my day...should hopefully keep me busy-ish.
Well i'll start with yesterday, as it just generally seems like a good starting point. Yesterday was just like every other wednesday. The sense of excitement of realising that i have a free, german, physics then football, possibly the best combination of lessons EVER, followed by the "unnnhhh tiiiired". This feeling carried with me through the day, but as it became time for football, it dissipated and i was left with a sense of anything could happen.
It was a regular session, do some warm ups, practice some shiz, have a match, except for some reason, it was a lot rougher than usual; kept getting my ankles taken out. Came out of training with a bruised ankle and many pulled muscles in my upper body. I've found that using this Radox muscle therapy bubble bath stuff really does help. With it, it'll take about two days after a session for me to feel better, without...about 5?
I know it sounds whiney, but i've been in pain with it all day today aswell, to the point where its extremely painful just to lift myself off the ground. Speaking of weight, lost another 3lb this week, making my total somewhere around the 25lb mark. Yay me :)
Was absolutely shattered last night, so decided to finish off my chemistry homework (the first time i've done homework actually at home all year) and went to bed at 7. Considering i usually go to bed at about 2, this is a BIG shock for my body, and i end up not sleeping at all. In fact, i should be going to bed now, but i'll finish up here first. Got out of bed feeling kind of maybe ok, had some lucozade tablets and felt fresh and ready to go.
Most of the day was the usual stuff, though i think my german teacher now thinks im a cheater. We had some homework in which i got 100% and the whole class was told to redo it. I then got about 45%. Simple reason i found was that i didnt have my table of propositions in front of me that time, ergo i was using the wrong ones and therefore the wrong case. I felt really bad...i'll have to talk to him about it.
Kept getting harrassed this afternoon by people asking me who i...fancy...i hate using that word in that context. I feel so...childish. But all i will say is this: I DO have my eye on someone, but don't bother asking me about it. I don't want to say anything in case it's just a passing thing...if it does sort of...develop, then by all means, i'll tell you if you ask. But until then, :-#
Backtracking slightly, went to a mates house the other day for his birthday party. Not that many people turned up, but it was a right laugh and SOME people had way too much to drink. Much throwing up was done, ironically none by me. Spent the rest of the night in the living room with L, B and H just chatting away and eating McCoys.
I also today got an ugly reminder that my dad monitors EVERYTHING i do on my PC. This may sound weird, but i dont know how much he actually monitors, or for that matter cares. But i dont want to push it y'know? I know that he occasionally does because he's seen screenshots and pulled me up on them before, and when i use bad language (hence i NEVER swear on the computer and possibly why i swear like a marine in real life...im very sorry to any of my friends that may find it offensive). But I take solace from knowing that i AM helping him with his product, being a guinea pig. Someone has to do it, i just wish it wasn't me.
Right, i think that's about enough for tonight. I'll try (i've said that a gazillion times i know, but shaddap) and post tomorrow. If someone goes on MSN after seein this and sees me, PLEASE remind me to do so.
Muchas gracias and ciao for now!
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Am on ya compooterz, ritin ma blog

Well haaaai!
I know i haven't been posting as often as i would like to, and I know i say that everytime, but hey, what're you gonna do? :)
Just been thinking "What can I do? My sister's on the xbox, I'm sat here and i've visited every website i can think of, watching the BBC live text of the world cup qualifiers.....what now?", then it occured to me, i DID have something to do. So i had a shower, and here i am :)
Forewarning - The next few paragraphs are dedicated to football. If you have a resentment of this most beautiful of sports, skip on.
I suppose the main reason i came on here was to brag about something that happened in midweek. A group of 16 of us Football IEC'ers (do football as part of a diploma at school) jumped on a minibus and headed off to Prince William's in Oundle for a football tournament. We were split into two teams, and A team and a B team. The A Team was full of all the best players in the school, with Mr.T in goal (OK, we all knew it had to come. I got it over and done with nice and quickly), while the B team had all the people that weren't good enough to play in the match a couple of weeks previously.
As we arrived, we were in high spirits. Team A would probably win the tournament, and we would do whatever we could to give a good account of ourselves, knowing that in this, the season of FA Cupsets, anything was possible. During our warm up match between the 2 teams, i felt prettygood, my shooting was alright, and the team had gelled together quite well, as well as our keeper that had been brought in at the last minute performing better than we expected. Everything seemed alright.
Then the other teams arrived.
I think they were a mix of upper sixth and lower sixth, while we were JUST lower sixth. However, as i said before, anything is possible. We started the tournament.
The first game started pretty badly, we didn't have much possession at all, and their players totally outclassed us. I started on the bench, watching from behind, and when after a couple of minutes we went behind, i came on. From a different perspective, it was obvious why we were losing. The other team were stronger, faster, fitter and generally more skillful than us, and they made us pay. A 4-0 thrashing was our punishment. The highlight for me was hitting the post with a pass through to K that sort of turned into a shot.
We examined what happened and came to the conclusion we needed another man in defense. J offered to drop back with Jor and A to try and sure things up at the back, leaving K and Sh in midfield and me and St up front (though he was meant to be playing in midfield, he stayed further up the pitch than I did).
4-0 in the second match did nothing to raise our spirits, and after this game we rallied around to speak to Team A, whom we found had drawn 0-0 and lost 1-0. Neither team had scored...it didn't look good. The next game, we lost 3-0...a slight improvement. The only difference was we changed keeper, putting Jor in goal and playing H (supposedly) in defence. We did alright until near the end when their class shone through and they scored a quickfire treble. I had one chance, a long ball played over the top by H which bounced a bit to high and made me wait a little bit too long before volleying it at the top corner but watching the shot get tipped away by the keeper.
The next game was a shambles for us, despite only losing 2-0. We hadn't scored, and our team just disintegrated. Nobody wanted to be subbed, though we found out over the top balls were extremely effective, though we found out too late to make a real difference.
Thinking it was the end of the tournament and having not scored a single goal, we regrouped once more with Team A, finding out that they also hadn't scored a goal, though they had kept 2 or 3 clean sheets. When they originally found out that they weren't going to be able to play us, they were outraged, saying that everyone else had an advantage of being able to play us. However, at th end of the 4 games, they found there would be playoffs for 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th place. 5th/6th? Team A vs Team B. This was perfect, and we were able to play all 8 players at once instead of 7 + 1 sub. Before the game i told everyone that "If we score and take the lead, BIG celebration!" to which H replied "CONGA!"
The game was fantastic, we were able to control the ball, and they totally underestimate us. Their tactic was 7 upfront, with P in goal, and occasionally L dropping back. And with this, Jor, released from his role as a keeper and led back into the outfield, picked up a fantastic through ball from K, ran down the left flank and booted it into the net. That was it, BIG CONGA time. We all erupted into cheers, and sprinted to the center to celebrate. That is when J shouted "THEYRE STARRTING AGAIN YOU PRICKS!". He charged back to stop L from scoring, and in doing so conceded a free kick, to which we were not able to form a wall before KM hoofed it home, making it 1-1.
Towards the end of the game was the best. It was tense, and there was a lot of open play. That is when St picked up the ball on the wing. He dribbled it in, i saw my chance and ran up to the goal. He looked up, saw me and put in a low pass. It went past P in goal, and my entire footballing life flashed before my eyes. You see i've never been fantastic at scoring close range efforts from crosses. My timing is always slightly off as i use my toe, giving me a very small margin of error. However, this time i showed the inside of my foot and tapped it in.
It was a simple goal, but it was the first one i'd scored in a competitive match since year 6, which made it that much sweeter. The celebration was even bigger than before, though without so much running intothe middle allowing them to score. For the rest of the game, we were on the backfoot, vigorously defending and praying we could hang on. KM had lots of chances, but someone, usually J, got in the way. I was really impressed with J throughout the whole tournament. He was solid at the back and won almost every header he went for. When the final whistle went, i dont think any of us have ever cheered so loud. David had beaten Goliath. It was Kettering vs Fulham in the FA Cup again, but this time, the right team had won. (In reality, Fulham won 4-2 with 2 late goals to seal the victory). It felt like winning the champions league final, and i'm sure we'll remember it for many years to come.
On the way back, we were all celebrating, and i was being congratulated for scoring the winner. We came 5th, but that didn't matter. We beat the best team in the school. That's all that mattered. For the next few days, it wasn't left alone. There were announcements in assembly, people patting us on the back, and i've even picked up a few nicknames (Duke the Nuke, Dukain Bolt and Duke Chambers among my favourites) and i must say the attention is welcome. It has done wonders for our morale and I'm not looking forward to training on wednesday when, no doubt, we will get our asses kicked across the field.
There's my football talk over. In other news, my sister had her boyfriend round today, so what else did we do? We played monopoly. It was actually really fun, everybody got competitive and i learned not to trust anyone :P. I'm actually really glad that she is going out with him. He's a nice enough lad, i get on well with him and he can be a laugh. He isn't everyones cup of tea, but i think he fits in well with our family.
Look at that, me commenting on my sister's boyfriend. I think that's a sign that i'm done tonight.
Twas nice to talk...at you all. Hasta banana ;)
Friday, 6 November 2009
It's the most wonderful time of the year
Hey guys, as you will no doubt know, christmas is just round the corner.
I'm not going to talk about it, but it is :)
No, what's got me thinking is something that i spoke about with a friend last night, ironically on msn. Why do i use my PC so much?
It was meant as a light hearted joke, and i know she loves coming on and having these long conversations with me, but once she went offline, it really got me thinking, why DO i use it so much?
This was such a big question for me as it asked much of the last 13 years of my life, and today lots of my friends have noticed that i've not been all there. I've been deep in thought trying to solve this, and i think i've finally figured it out.
I can put down the obvious reason, i use it for work, but to be honest, i never use it for work at home. As far as i am concerned, my time is my time. I earned the free time by working hard in school, ergo i shouldn't have to work at home. Lots of people will argue, but that's how i feel :) The real bulk of reasons is directly related to my life and surroundings.
I've been using the computer since i was about 3, when i learned to type and do really simple stuff. My dad is some sort of computer guru, so learning was really easy with his help. I usually get asked how i can type so quickly, and the simple answer is that i've been typing before i could write. My entire life i've been surrounded by computers and games consoles (again, one of the advantages of having my dad). I've been playing computer games like half life and quake since i was about 7 and because of that, I like to think I have really good reflexes and hand eye coordination.
Another reason would be a lack of things to do. I am constantly either bored or asleep, unless out with my friends, which to be honest doesn't happen as much as I would like, especially now in the winter months. But i find that going on the computer simply gives me something to do. Simples *noise*
However, possibly the most complex, and let's face it, sad, reason is to come. Since i was little, I've been told that i'm really smart, gifted and talented etc, but everything i do is always overshadowed, to the point where i wasn't happy with an A in biology. I know it sounds pig headed, but thats honestly how i felt. But i started playing games which i suppose gave me some sort of achievement where i found my life to be lacking in it. And when i was getting told by strangers that i was really good, it sort of filled a void in my life, a craving for attention, being noticed. It also gave me something that i could say i was better at than my friends.
It's really sad on my part, playing games and using PC's for that reason, but that's the whole and honest truth.
Onto non-computer related stuff, went to the firework display at Wickies yesterday. Had so much fun, but felt kind of bad the whole time for reasons that for now will remain secret, though a couple of people know them. Basically, I'm a horrible friend. But i did feel i was slightly justified. Anyway, the fireworks were fantastic, the live band not TOO bad, good for a cover band anyway. Met a friend from school that had moved on, remenisced, had a proper laugh with him, like the good old days then waited for L's mum to come and pick us up, taking her time of course :P
Also, school is still boring.
Right, I've said my piece, and to quote a great man, on that bombshell, i'll be off now. Will try and write again tomorrow-ish.
Hasta Banana
I'm not going to talk about it, but it is :)
No, what's got me thinking is something that i spoke about with a friend last night, ironically on msn. Why do i use my PC so much?
It was meant as a light hearted joke, and i know she loves coming on and having these long conversations with me, but once she went offline, it really got me thinking, why DO i use it so much?
This was such a big question for me as it asked much of the last 13 years of my life, and today lots of my friends have noticed that i've not been all there. I've been deep in thought trying to solve this, and i think i've finally figured it out.
I can put down the obvious reason, i use it for work, but to be honest, i never use it for work at home. As far as i am concerned, my time is my time. I earned the free time by working hard in school, ergo i shouldn't have to work at home. Lots of people will argue, but that's how i feel :) The real bulk of reasons is directly related to my life and surroundings.
I've been using the computer since i was about 3, when i learned to type and do really simple stuff. My dad is some sort of computer guru, so learning was really easy with his help. I usually get asked how i can type so quickly, and the simple answer is that i've been typing before i could write. My entire life i've been surrounded by computers and games consoles (again, one of the advantages of having my dad). I've been playing computer games like half life and quake since i was about 7 and because of that, I like to think I have really good reflexes and hand eye coordination.
Another reason would be a lack of things to do. I am constantly either bored or asleep, unless out with my friends, which to be honest doesn't happen as much as I would like, especially now in the winter months. But i find that going on the computer simply gives me something to do. Simples *noise*
However, possibly the most complex, and let's face it, sad, reason is to come. Since i was little, I've been told that i'm really smart, gifted and talented etc, but everything i do is always overshadowed, to the point where i wasn't happy with an A in biology. I know it sounds pig headed, but thats honestly how i felt. But i started playing games which i suppose gave me some sort of achievement where i found my life to be lacking in it. And when i was getting told by strangers that i was really good, it sort of filled a void in my life, a craving for attention, being noticed. It also gave me something that i could say i was better at than my friends.
It's really sad on my part, playing games and using PC's for that reason, but that's the whole and honest truth.
Onto non-computer related stuff, went to the firework display at Wickies yesterday. Had so much fun, but felt kind of bad the whole time for reasons that for now will remain secret, though a couple of people know them. Basically, I'm a horrible friend. But i did feel i was slightly justified. Anyway, the fireworks were fantastic, the live band not TOO bad, good for a cover band anyway. Met a friend from school that had moved on, remenisced, had a proper laugh with him, like the good old days then waited for L's mum to come and pick us up, taking her time of course :P
Also, school is still boring.
Right, I've said my piece, and to quote a great man, on that bombshell, i'll be off now. Will try and write again tomorrow-ish.
Hasta Banana
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Hola Y'all!
Howdy y'all, just though I'd pop on and say Hi...so...Hi ^^
Ofcourse this really isn't the best of places to be saying hello, but you know, manners are everything.
Decided to come on here after reading a certain news article that really made me think. Something about that we may have orbital hotels by 2012. For $4m you can be trained in aeronautics in the carribean, flown into space where you will spend a month, then return to earth. You can do things like star gazing, watching earth and other spacey activities.
apparently they got $3bn dollar investments from saudi businessmen (surprise surprise) but this made me think...would they not be better off investing money in getting man to mars rather than making hotels?
Thoughts in comments please :)
Thats all for now,i know this has been a bit short but i'll make another later when i have a bit more time
Hasta la pasta!
Ofcourse this really isn't the best of places to be saying hello, but you know, manners are everything.
Decided to come on here after reading a certain news article that really made me think. Something about that we may have orbital hotels by 2012. For $4m you can be trained in aeronautics in the carribean, flown into space where you will spend a month, then return to earth. You can do things like star gazing, watching earth and other spacey activities.
apparently they got $3bn dollar investments from saudi businessmen (surprise surprise) but this made me think...would they not be better off investing money in getting man to mars rather than making hotels?
Thoughts in comments please :)
Thats all for now,i know this has been a bit short but i'll make another later when i have a bit more time
Hasta la pasta!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
As i usually do at this time of night, i'm too tired to do anything, but not tired enough to go to sleep and having exhausted all of my other options, I was just flicking around my address bar, pressing random letters and hoping I'd find something to spend some time on, when i pressed T, and this address came up. "Oh Sh*t" i thought to myself.
Sorry i haven't been posting recently, I have totally forgotten about it, and everytime i DO remember it I think "oh I'll do it later". Total procrastination on my part, and for that i am sorry.
I haven't posted on here since the 23rd of Oct, and as its...well 1st Nov now, its been......9 days? whatever, and to be perfectly honest, nothing has changed. I've been trying to convince some of my friends to go out and do something over the weekends instead of staying in and talking to each other over MSN etc, going to a club for a halloween party or going to a fair were just some of the ideas i floated about, but everybody seems determined to carry on, though we did get the concession of going to somebodys house for the evening.
It was actually a lot of fun, we played some guitar hero, sang some singstar (the guys totally beat the girls), and played about on the computer. Spotify was the main hub of the computer, playing some beat the intro and making videos of us dancing to some songs. It was actually a lot more fun than I imagined it would be (though i knew it would be fun haha).
Other than that it's been another pretty slow week. School is dragging on, we went back last week from a two week holiday. I've been buffeted by my friends that go to other schools about how they were on holiday and i was at school. A quick mention of my previous two week break was more than enough to shut them up. But i've decided that i really need to get my head down and work this term. Last terms end of term test were a bit of a wakeup call. German was, as usual, my strong point. 100%'s were the story of the term, while i picked up a meagre 27% in my physics test (albeit with NO revision). I did OK in my chemistry, though OK really isn't good enough for me, and my teachers LOST my biology test. Groan.
We recently got a letter about a trip to germany for the german a levelers and gcse...ers. We get to go to Berlin for 6 days, all good, language lessons every morning...still good, explore berlin in the afternoon...fantastic, and stay half board with a german family (2 per family). Uh oh. I am all for going to germany and everything, but I nearly left the room to find some toilet paper at that last one. It isn't that i have a fear of meeting new people, on the contrary, i think it's fantastic. However, I am an INCREDIBLY fussy eater (as my friends will testify). I am super scared that we'll be served something that I won't like and i won't want to eat it. It's incredibly rude, but were i to eat whatever it may be, i would most likely throw up. That...trait has held me back a lot the past few years, pretending to eat at parties, eating very little at meals with my friend's families...none of it looks good, but it's the only way i can get through it.
I know eventually I'm going to have to get through that phase, but it is much easier said than done, as I'm sure a lot of you will know. But I have confidence it will happen sooner or later. For example, I recently abandoned my hatred of chocolate and am now somewhat of a choccy lover (granted i am not fully there, but am getting there slowly but surely).
Well that's me for now. I'll try and post again tomorrow :)
Hasta la pasta mi amigos
Sorry i haven't been posting recently, I have totally forgotten about it, and everytime i DO remember it I think "oh I'll do it later". Total procrastination on my part, and for that i am sorry.
I haven't posted on here since the 23rd of Oct, and as its...well 1st Nov now, its been......9 days? whatever, and to be perfectly honest, nothing has changed. I've been trying to convince some of my friends to go out and do something over the weekends instead of staying in and talking to each other over MSN etc, going to a club for a halloween party or going to a fair were just some of the ideas i floated about, but everybody seems determined to carry on, though we did get the concession of going to somebodys house for the evening.
It was actually a lot of fun, we played some guitar hero, sang some singstar (the guys totally beat the girls), and played about on the computer. Spotify was the main hub of the computer, playing some beat the intro and making videos of us dancing to some songs. It was actually a lot more fun than I imagined it would be (though i knew it would be fun haha).
Other than that it's been another pretty slow week. School is dragging on, we went back last week from a two week holiday. I've been buffeted by my friends that go to other schools about how they were on holiday and i was at school. A quick mention of my previous two week break was more than enough to shut them up. But i've decided that i really need to get my head down and work this term. Last terms end of term test were a bit of a wakeup call. German was, as usual, my strong point. 100%'s were the story of the term, while i picked up a meagre 27% in my physics test (albeit with NO revision). I did OK in my chemistry, though OK really isn't good enough for me, and my teachers LOST my biology test. Groan.
We recently got a letter about a trip to germany for the german a levelers and gcse...ers. We get to go to Berlin for 6 days, all good, language lessons every morning...still good, explore berlin in the afternoon...fantastic, and stay half board with a german family (2 per family). Uh oh. I am all for going to germany and everything, but I nearly left the room to find some toilet paper at that last one. It isn't that i have a fear of meeting new people, on the contrary, i think it's fantastic. However, I am an INCREDIBLY fussy eater (as my friends will testify). I am super scared that we'll be served something that I won't like and i won't want to eat it. It's incredibly rude, but were i to eat whatever it may be, i would most likely throw up. That...trait has held me back a lot the past few years, pretending to eat at parties, eating very little at meals with my friend's families...none of it looks good, but it's the only way i can get through it.
I know eventually I'm going to have to get through that phase, but it is much easier said than done, as I'm sure a lot of you will know. But I have confidence it will happen sooner or later. For example, I recently abandoned my hatred of chocolate and am now somewhat of a choccy lover (granted i am not fully there, but am getting there slowly but surely).
Well that's me for now. I'll try and post again tomorrow :)
Hasta la pasta mi amigos
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