Thursday, 10 December 2009

Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only screwing yourself

And it is with this in mind that i have decided to do a blog post today :)

Howdy y'all, it's been a while (about 2 weeks by my count) and i'm actually starting to get withdrawal symptoms!

Sooooo what's been happenin' in da hizouse, in ma hood? Quite a bit actually. For one, i'm becoming a huge fan of the word makes my laziness sound classy ^_^

Was sick the other day, caught the bug off my little brother. I kept telling him not to go in my room while he was sick because, obviously, i'd end up catching it. But low and behold, there he was, every day of his illness, playing xbox. I didn't have the heart to shout at him as he was pretty ill, so i just let it pass. But when i got it, there was something he said/did that made me want to cry. I was lying in bed, when he walked in, tears streaming down his face, gave me a huge hug, looked at me and said "...i'm sorry i made you poorly", before running out of the room crying. I was stuck for words. He's a sensitive little soul, very emotional, so the next day I gave him a big hug and let him know that everything was OK and that it wasn't his fault.

Football was a disaster the last two weeks. My first touch has gone to hell and my shooting isn't too amazing either. I really need to sort it out. Kettering lost aswell, losing with it the chance to face man utd (my favourite team) in the next round. To say the least, i was quite devastated. But it was good publicity, so i can't complain.

Dad's on the fritz again. His sleeping patterns are totally messed up again, which means the rest of the family spend our entire time downstairs arguing with each other in silence. It's a horrible atmosphere, but we have to put up with it in the hopes of swinging him back round to the right times. So far he's somewhere in Russia, hopefully by xmas he'll be back round to our time.

On a more positive note, going to town tomorrow with the guys...our 'krewe' XD. Usually is a laugh when we all get together, and i think our newest member will be in attendance aswell. Its a good group to be fair. We have a diverse range of personalities, likes, dislikes, people. We are a very open group, almost anyone can join if they can stand us. I swear they should make a tv show about us!

But alas, i must now bid you adieu, until we speak again et al. I'll try and do the next one tomorrow.

Hasta la pasta mi amigos


  1. Awwh that is the most sweetest thing Jack did :D

  2. Wish I could be in your group more... *sigh* I miss you guys.
    But not as much as I hate science, apparently. =/

  3. Aww! You love the Krewe almost as much as I do!
    And it was good fun today. I felt Bekah might have been feeling a little reluctant but she seemed to have a good time too.
