Tuesday, 30 November 2010

I'm Dukey

Hi, I'm Evil Tyrant Lord Dukeystein and I've come to eat your children and rape your goats. YOUR GOATS!

Fuck you, Peter "The Messiah" H.

Duke out.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Halo 3 - Send Off

A tribute to one of the all-time best games, Halo 3, with Halo: Reach now released, it's important we don't forget it.

Friday, 16 July 2010


I can apparently at least say hi becca and aimee


I can apparently at least say hi becca and aimee

Monday, 31 May 2010


Life is good atm :D



Saturday, 29 May 2010

Zero G Chronicles Season 1 Trailer

At last, our long awaited (2 years) series Zero G is about to be made! Here is a sneak preview :D

Thursday, 27 May 2010

I [might be] going away, leaving [in the near future], you [might] gotta find a brand new heroooo

Hey guys, another blog post? already? PAH! But this is something thats really working me up.

I was sat in my room messing around trying to get this DAMN CAPTURE CARD TO BLOODY WORK, when i hear mum and dad talking. Mum comes in and asks me "Pete...how would you like to move to Dubai?"

Dad's main company/business is currently being marketed in Dubai (by one of his colleagues) and one british billionaire is so impressed he wants to open a wing at the university he OWNS (this was all discussed at a shopping center that he owns that is bigger than Corby apparently). He wants dad to go over and be the head of this wing and develop his software for mobile devices. It has the potential to make billions,and me and my brother and sister are pretty much guarenteed a place at this university...

But whats annoying me is do i want to leave? They've said that we wont go if any of the family doesnt want to, i've sort of said maybe-yes, but im not entirely sure. Can any of you guys give me any help/direction in this?

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Just Like a Wavin' Flag

That song.
Is the most.
I've ever known.

i know what you're thinking. "2 posts? so close together? EH?!" Well its just a short one today :)

Thought i'd share something that really made my day. I had a haircut the other day and today my german teacher complimented me on it after gelling it for the first time in 5 years :D Really made my day ^_^

Also, not really got a point to it or anything, but i've just noticed how much i actually love the krewe. Whenever somebody is feeling down or has a problem, there is always somebody there who can be sympathetic or help with said problem. Its a really nice feeling to have that kind of security :)

Love you guys ^_^


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Even Rocky had a Montage

Not really a blog post, but just thought i'd share this with anyone that wants to watch ^_^

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Y'all ready for this?

Hey ho, this is actually the really blog post and i expect it will be a mammoth one...though i will probably give up soon and go to sleep :)

Procrastination ftw, im ever so sorry about how long it's been, i just realised how much i would have to write if i did a blog post and decided against it, but i've finally been caught at a weak moment and well...here goes nothing.

It's been so long since my last post that i've actually forgotten some of the stuff that has happened, so if i leave anything out, i am eternally sorry.

Jeez, this is hard, i don't even know when to begin...well i'll start at the furthest thing back i can remember which owing to bad memory, is Soha's birthday do.

Basically twas a fancy dress superhero thing, pretty awesome actually. I went as Clarke Kent

Everyone else looked smashing, Batman (not a superhero), Darth Vader (Not a superhero), Storm trooper (not a superhero), GI Joe (not a superhero) and many more!

But nah it was great, there were two groups of people there, us BW lot and the Quinton lot, started off not really talking or anything but by the end everyone was joining in dancing, whacking people with a pole and having a fail of a moshpit :D But on the whole was an awesome night!

Up next - football (skip on if you hate it). Just a quick post about school footy. Had a match, i missed a goal in the last few minutes that, despite what Jast may say, was impossible to reach and even if i had reached, i would never have been able to put away from that angle. Other than that, scoring is getting more and more frequent, Joha and Hasi and me are starting to gel, working as an awesome team and becoming more effective as a group. Yay

There was probably something inbetween this that i can't remember...sorry XD But next up is paintball. Sort of an early bday thing, me and part of the krewe plus a couple of extras went paintballing. Got the feeling, well knew, that a couple of people didnt want to go, but went anyway, and i gotta say i was amazingly impressed.Showed real guts and determination, nice one :)

I've said it before and i will say it again. The highlight of the day was headshotting my sister. I felt bad at first, but if it wasn't me that got her she would have got BELTED by 4 or 5 of our team that had encircled her, but she impressed me aswell. Didnt stop firing, even though she was the last member of her team and was totally surrounded, she kept going, kept at least 3 people pinned down and even though she saw people moving around her, she stuck to her guns and didnt just cower and hide or surrender. Well done Kidu.

Then there's now. Im sat in my room writing this in my holidays. A sweet 2 weeks off which usually would be spent lounging around, playing footy or xbox. But alas, exams loom in the not too distant future. I'm actually amazingly worried about them, worried that if i dont pass them and my resits that i wont be able to go back for year 13. That would just destroy me, i wouldn't be able to look my family in the face. But my hopes of staying on have been lifted by the news that i only need to get 3 C's instead of Bs...though when you think that in the first 3 exams i got DEE, that isnt too fantastic.

So i've been revising like a nutter, took advice from my good friend Becr, asked her how she revises etc and tried it out for myself. It really does work, and for that, i think you :D

Despite all the good things, there are still somethings that are troubling me - mainly about the krewe.

For those of you that don't know about the Krewe, i will give you a brief history (at least how i have seen it). The Krewe started out as a couple of dispersed friendships loosely linked around the year. When we finished our Maths AS, Myself, Hutchables, Becr and Aigo and Hasi all started hanging out in the now-free lesson and doing shiz (slime soccer :D), though some people argue differently, the way i see this is where the largest congregation of the krewe was and so it started here >_<. We then started inviting Lumc into our lessons when we had a teacher that didn't know us which was rather awesome and we started having barbecues outside of school which drew us, mainly the corby lot, closer together. Joha, who was in peru at the time, missed out on all our impromptu barbeques but came back and joined us in.

Since those days, we have gradually drawn others into our group, forming the core, us bbq and maths buddies, and the outer members, some of whom have been absorbed into the core. Much as i love the system we have, i do miss the old days with the Core-core. The BBQ we had a couple of weeks ago reminded me how much fun we used to have with smaller numbers, where you could actually talk to everyone and not have to talk above people. It was lovely. Dont get me wrong, i love having the newbies in aswell, but it was nice to have a comfortable, relaxing time with the originals :)

At this point, i have been writing for about 1 and a half hours, though this amount would usually take about 30 mins. Why i hear you scream? Well, its something i sort of kinda semi half hinted at Aigo and Lumc the other day - i've met someone :D

I dont want to get into too much detail atm in case nothing comes out of it. Its sorta been going on for a couple of weeks...i'll give you a short story.

About a month ago, i finally plucked up the courage to ask out another girl, but she didn't believe i was telling the truth, and nothing i could do would convince her that i wasn't joking (though whether that was her saying no, i dont know). I think i only actually told one person about it...anyway, we started hanging out more though, and one day she brought her mate along, and we hit it off. I've never felt a connection like it. She's smart, good looking, funny, gets my jokes and is a man united fan that speaks german! its amazing!

But like i said, early days, if anything more solid does happen, you will be the first to know, i promise.

Anyway, im all blogged out for now. I know i say it every time, and i know i say THAT every time, but ill TRY and post more often, maybe then i wouldn't forget everything ¬¬

UGH! Up at 8 tomorrow for BLOODY PHYSICS revision-.- i swear i normally fall asleep in the regular lessons, this will end in tears, mark my words


Saturday, 8 May 2010

Let's See...

How many dirty remarks i will hear when people realise this isnt my long-awaited next blog post :)

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Waaake me uuuup, at about 10 pleeeeeeeease

Heyo, just thought i'd pop on and say howdy doody to y'all.

Dont know how many of you check the time on the posted blog, but at the moment it is currently...0515, March 11th. Pulled another nearly-all-nighter just watching films and playing football manager (god damn that game is addictive). Love it because it is one of those games that you can play without having to concentrate on 100%. Flicking between that and my choice of 3 films has been how i've stayed up.

Watched Avatar again, possibly my favourite film ever, lots of people will disagree with me on this, but i really love that film. It is ever possible movie genre rolled into one about blue cat-people in space...it doesn't get much better! Then I rolled back the years and watched a 1960/70's film called First Men on The Moon. Basically these 2 guys develop some paint that negates the effect of gravity and where else would they head but the moon. I kept laughing at how they knew so little about said moon back then - they were using diving suits with their hands fully exposed on the surface of the moon! Other than that it was actually an ok movie, one of those with the REALLY bad specials effects (bug monsters obviously superimposed on a background with strings) but i quite enjoyed it. Then watched some big bang theory because i felt like it.

I guess i came on here to give me something to do, i'm at that stage where i know and want to go to sleep, but i really can't be bothered to get ready for bed...suppose im just stalling, procrastinating as i always do...

ANYWAY, onto what happened yesterday. Spent all day out in the garden helping dad's mate steve with the garden. Between us, we moved 2 tonnes of sand from the back garden round to the front, dug up all the grass on the top level of our garden, took down the wooden fence on said top level of said garden and finished off the paving by the shed. I didn't ache at all when we finished, but im really starting to feel it now. However, it is still £20 that i earned, which will be split £10-£10 between me and mum and dad (i have to pay them around £1800 for the car...this is going to take a while...might as well just keep all £20).

Today was meant to be more of the same until i realised - ITS EXAM RESULTS DAY 0.0. I hadn't really been paying much thought to it until my friends started going on about it - going down to school at 10.30 in the holidays, pff. However, there is one bonus - We're going bowling afterward to celebrate that and AG's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY though it's a bit late ^_^) So that should be fun...haven't been bowling in years :P

Went to see Alice in Wonderland the other day. I must have the best group of mates ever for them to put up with my dentist and change plans so readily :) Thanks guys :) The film was good...i didn't feel that it lived up to all the hype, but i still enjoyed it (again some/most people will probably disagree with me) but it was a fun night out.

Right, gonna head off and catch a little shut eye, night y'all, Duke out

(P.S what do we think of that as a sign off? I think it sounds kind of gay, but its up to you!)

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Copying AG's Thing

I challenge you to think of as many colours as you can in 2 minutes 30 :)

Stop clock begin!

red, yellow, green, brown, scarlet, black, ochre, peach, ruby, olive, violet, fawn, lilac, gold, chocolate, mauve, cream, crimson, silver, rose, azure, lemon, russet, grey, purple, white, pink, orange and BLUE


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

When shit happens...is it really shit?


Howdy! This is SO totally tomorrow from my last blog post, I didn't skip any days, I swear 0.0

I must say, I'm rather liking this...posting one blog per month when I get bored...really makes them seem special. However, unlike most of my other blog posts, this time something HAS happened! Not just SOMEthing, MANY things!! Hallelujah!

Where to start? Well for starters, we're on holiday now. 2 weeks of blissful sleeping in, gorging on food, hanging out with my sister at home and mates outside of said home. I must say I do enjoy these breaks as it does bring me and my sister closer together since...for want of a better way of putting it...we are left to our own devices. It's really fun andwe usually do something cool (making pancakes at 4 in the morning, trampolining for 3 hours, watching Aliens). Going to see the Krewe at PH's house tomorrow, should be a larf, though LM and AG won't be in attendance. I really feel that after the madness of the last couple of weeks, things are starting to get back into a normal rhythm.

OH YEAH! I forgot, the madness. To put it bluntly, the two relationships within the Krewe ended. HS and AG, and BC and LM. The latter I, and most others, were shocked at. There had been no prior indication at all and it came as a huge surprise, at least to us. After this, about a week later, the former split up. This was slightly less unexpected, but still something of a shock. I must admit he was a bit of a tit in the way he ended it, "we need to talk" and "It's not you, it's me" being to of the no-no's he insisted on using. But from the ashes of these two relationships have sprung the seeds of new ones, again within the Krewe. I have to admit I admire LM and AG for how they are going about things, not letting anything get to them and getting on with their lives. Good on ya guys.

OTHER BIG NEWS - I HAVE A CAR! That's right, I am now the proud owner of a 2001 Silver Peugeot 206. £1,800, every single penny of which i have to pay back by doing odd jobs around the house and hopefully getting a part-time job to help pay for it. It all started the other day when my provisional license arrived. Apparently mum had been texting and emailing me all day, though i hadn't recieved any of them. Got home to hear my name being shouted about 50 times with the license being shoved in front of my face. I didn't read much into it and thought "Great...now the long slug to May" before Dad, in his usual instantaneous way, decided we should go to a car auction in Northampton. The atmosphere there was exceedingly hectic, with a whole host of 30 year old wannabe-car salesman bidding on just about everything. After about an hour of searching and seeing cars going for ridiculous amounts, we headed to the in-building cafe. I went up to the counter with my brother and ordered some chips. When we returned to the table, mum told us dad had gone to the toilet. So we sat and ate. However, about 5 minutes later, we saw him coming back and through the window, we saw some paper in his hand. He rounded the corner and revealed that hehad just put in a bid for the peugeot worth about £5,000 and won with his first bid. I was stunned, and ever since i've been on a sort of fast track learning program as he tries to instill in me how a car works and how to drive them. The car is out on the drive and it is a beauty. Nearly no work needs being done to it, the fuel economy is fantastic, it did 5,000 miles in the last year...it's perfect.

Now the 2 1/2 month slog to my birthday...with the car sat there tantalizingly on the drive; mocking me.

So what else am I doing on my holiday I hear you type. The answer - tidying. Yesterday began Operation:Getthehousetidyoriwillbefuckingpissed. Mum and dad's new plan to get the house spick and span. We are re-moving dads office from the garage back into the dining room turned office turned games room. We've already cleared out the spare room/little office upstairs before refilling it with ebay'd stuff from in the games room, which til now has been used as a storage room for dad's...crap.

Hopefully that should be over soon and I'll be able to enjoy the holidays properly - the krewe meeting tomorrow and football on thursday with JH and HS should be fun and get things back to normal.

So other than this, not much is going on. School is ok, decided i have to pick up my act for next term having looked at entrance requirements for University, which i am absolutely crapping myself about. I've started listening to this band recently called Sabaton. They're a Swedish heavy metal band and while i don't usually listen to that sort of music, they sing about wars and stuff. I am REALLY interested in war, probably stemming from my grandad being in the RAF Police and my uncle being in the Royal Marines, and i find all their songs really interesting to listen to. They have songs about the 'Polish Thermopylae', the battle in world war two where 700 polish soldiers withstood an assault by 50,000 german troops for days, a song about the Panzer division - germany's tank division, and another about the falklands war.

So that's my recent history. I've decided im going to take the example of one of my friends and do a 'My day' blog every couple of days instead of these long ones every month or so, seems like a lot more fun to be honest.

Incidentally, i'm also going to start tagging posts, so enjoy that too ^_^


Sunday, 14 February 2010

This is a Bectatorship!

Above quote made me smile :)

She was telling me to do a blog post which i suppose i really should have done a while back. So much for often eh?

So what's been going on i hear you scream. For one, stop screaming, dad's in bed. Oh wait, he just got up, swish. Well for one, me and Jose started a new thing! Feel like such a trendsetter haha.

Basically they're just new names. For example i'm Pedadu, we also have Johalaha, Peluhu, Rejocr, Lujamc, Haro(baba)si and because i can never remember her middle name, Aigo. You take the first 2 letters from each of the person's names and put them together. We got this idea from Haribo of all places! It was named after the guy was Hans Risomething Bosomething, which spawned the idea. But yeah, fun and games ^_^

Other than that, i now have a new genre of music added to my repetoir - metal. I promised myself i'd NEVER listen to it, and i dont know if you'd count dragonforce who just rock :P but this new band is a swedish band that mostly sing about war and stuff, a subject i'm REALLY interested in. The band is called sabaton, and if you're looking for song recommendations, then i'd say 40 1, Ghost Division and Panzerkampf. Not everyone's taste, but give them a try!

Recently been trying to convince my sister to listen to my all time favourite band though, Reel Big Fish. I <3 them and i have to say if i was to have a man crush, it'd definitely be on the lead singer XD. However, my sister doesn't like trumpets...so...she refuses to listen to ANY of their songs based on one which even i don't particularly like. Really annoys me that she won't even give them a try, but hey, each to their own. I get the feeling, hell i know, that my listening to them pisses a lot of people off...especially when i keep talking about them, but i think slowly im starting to convert some people, starting with Jose downloading ban the tube top, one of my personal favourites.

OH YEAH! BIG NEWS! I finally have my dads agent (the thing that monitors what i type etc) taken off my pc! I feel so liberated! But i can't help but notice that i haven't really done anything that i would have done were it still on here. Guess i've been programmed not to say stuff that i shouldn't. Surpirse surprise the first thing that SOMEBODY told me to do when i got it off was to go watch porn...i can't (not that i would) because he can still see through the router what sites i go on. But hey, it's a small step towards regaining some sort of freedom and independence.

Met up with the krewe yesterday in town. Was a right laugh, saw HaHa in the window of the lazer maze place at his sister's birthday party talking to my little brother (about pokemon no less!) and started waving at them. Soon enough we had the entire party stood at the window waving at us like mad before HaHa asked if he could come out and say hi, which he did. Mum and dad then walked past our group and dad, trying to embarass me, shouted "DID YOU PUT CLEAN UNDERWEAR ON TODAY?". This was met by bemused looks from everyone else before the silence was broken by...one of the more immature of the members of our group laughing...OK it was me ¬_¬. Anyway, after this we went on a walk to L's house where we watched Wales come back from 14-24 down to beat scotland in the last 10 minutes. Fantastic game. L then had to go dancing so we headed up the road to B's, stopping at the park at A's request along the way where some of us let off our childish urges and played on this weird spinny thing. Anyway, we got to B's and again started watching rugby to choruses of "He's fit, he's fit, he's fit" before a phone war broke out between J and B. Trying to get their phones back off each other. I feel that B played unfairly though :P

After this, everyone went home, did some shiz and that leads me to where i am now - sat on my bed waiting for my mate to finish having his lunch so he can come back and play on the xbox, typing out this blog post at the request, no, order of SOMEONE :)

I refrained from speaking about football in this post, but dont expect that trend to continue :P

Until next time ^_^

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Holy monkeys!

I can't believe it's been so long since i last came on here! Nearly a month! I'm SO SORRY! Too long have you been without my dry wit, my incomprehensible writing style and oh so British charm!

Yet again, as is my custom, i've been procrastinating. I keep thinking "I'll do it later, i'll do it later", then think of something funny to write while im bed, and think "i'll do it tomorrow". Well no more! I shall write down all the funny thingsi have thought of!

As soon as i remember them of course...

So what has happened over the past month or so? For those of you that have been reading my blog, it won't surprise you to know that nothing major :) Had our exams last week, a gruelling slog of three and a quarter hours worth of exams over three days. Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Oh yes.

We had a small gathering of the krewe, without Josiah, at B's house for new year. It was actually a really good night, we watched 300, played on the Wii, ate, played monopolyyy and rang in the new year! L managed to complete his dream of his first 2010 act being to become a millionaire (well...it was as near as he was going to get) and then left in the morning...as is the custom.

We did however, get left by H who was supposed give me and T a lift back. We started walking thinking it was a joke, but then T phoned him up to discover that they were already half way home. We phoned up my mum who, in her gracious manner, came and picked us up. We got home to find that instead of turning around to come and get us, H's dad decided it would be much better to go to our house to apologise for not picking us up. It was all prearranged and everything so why this happened we still don't know.

Anyway, Xmas was great. Got a new tv, xbox game and a new ipod (Y). THere is now much talk of getting a car for May, and me taking a 1 week crash course that will see me with a full license by the end of the week, though i think its probably best that i do it the normal way. I'm doing some work at the moment for my dad's company that should help pay for a car and driving lessons, at least that's the hope.

Other than that, i've rekindled my love affair with football manager. I can spend hours on that game and not realise any time has gone at all, which isnt a good thing all the time. You tell yourself "Just one more match, just one more match", its a really unhealthy addiction.

Can't remember what else i was going to write, but on today's news, J was going to come round before dad decided we were going to go see avatar while K watched Sherlock holmes with her bf, but whaddya know, we didn't go. Feel like i wasted the day, though i did get some tidying up done in my room.

I'll TRY to post more often, i promise. If anyone catches me on msn, remind me to post more :)
